OZCREDO has created a special Mind Booster Art collection to help people recharge and uplift their mood.
OZCREDO helps people make better decisions and solve problems effectively. One of its products, Mind Boosters, was invented by Dr. Olga Zbarskaya to help individuals change their perception, improve self-image, evoke emotional and behavioral responses, and spark creative thinking. The images used in Mind Boosters are intended to assist people in consolidating their memories and past experiences and in setting the stage for productive problem-solving.
OZCREDO offers various collections of Mind Booster Art to hospitals, hotels, nursing homes, corporate offices, educational settings, adult day care, day care centers, and private residences! Wherever they are used, they capture attention, stimulate their thought process, prevent depression, improve mood, build self-esteem, boost productivity, and much more!
Every image blossoms with its own temper, attitude, and infatuation, all of which characteristics may be interpreted through a combination of empirical stimuli and interpretive meanings of an observer. Every image activates brain regions responsible for creative thinking.
The components of a Mind Booster image include its color, shape, pattern, texture, and other essential characteristics that stimulate cognitive and emotional abilities while maximizing emotional fitness and creative problem solving. Interactions of colors and optical illusions flex the thought process and bring imagination to the next level. Symmetry, composition, balance, levels of abstraction, density, and dynamic provoke shifts in perception as well as an openness to novelty.
Acrylic and Mix Media Mind Booster Art
Despite the fact that past experiences may alter your response to particular image properties and their combinations, there are general responses generated by certain properties of the image. Shapes are meaningful. They symbolize certain things and are able to boost certain emotional responses and set boundaries. They are able to organize information via obstructions and connectivity.
It is important to understand how certain properties of the image, its structure, and symmetrical organization influence our emotional responses. Objects with soft curves convey different moods and emotions than objects with rough edges. Circles represent completeness and promote a holistic perspective. Circles may encourage a sense of contentedness, comfort, safety, and/or harmony.
Squares and rectangles convey stability, formality, order, and limitations. Triangles are dynamic and confer a sense of movement. Based on how they are configured, they may represent either conflict or stability. They can additionally foster an impression of balance and self-revelation. Abstract shapes may boost novelty and original ideas. Spirals are conducive to creative thinking and original behavior. Curves, depending on their rhythm and dynamic, symbolize movement and change. Overlapping shapes enhance a feeling of complexity and interconnection.
Similarly, colors can unlock or enhance certain creativity tendencies. As wavelengths of electromagnetic energy, colors can set a certain mood, evoke particular senses, and even control the amount and flow of energy in our mind.
Certain shades of blue and green are associated with openness and amplified creativity while certain shades elevate rejuvenation and recovery. Green, which promotes psychological balance and soothing, is able to comfort you by instilling a sense of peace and comfort. Blue is dream-like and tranquil. While some shades imply calmness and peace, others spur on rational thinking and logic. Indigo is a strong proponent of perception and mental stability. Turquoise is a color of sensitivity and intuition, bolstering original thoughts and insight. It promotes innovative thinking. Red supports faster reactions, memory retrieval, in-depth evaluations, better concentration, and attention to detail. It stimulates, energizes, and promotes assertiveness and determination.
Various combinations of shapes, forms, colors, textures, dynamic, patterns, and effects of these images can influence and encourage your innovative skills, flexible thinking, and imagination. With this information in mind, you can purposefully utilize certain image properties to unlock their corresponding characteristics of creativity. Please note that mind-boosting tools such as this one have an individual effect and are influenced by your perception, personal characteristics, and experience. They should be combined with creativity training, workshops, and continuous practical exercises to maximize your potential and improve everyday performance.
Some Mind Booster Images are made of Semiprecious stones that are believed to be able to influence our abilities. They may enhance one’s perceptiveness, stimulate analytical capacity, alleviate stress and exhaustion, promote imagination, and boost original ideas. I combine properties, shapes, and colors of semiprecious stones to reduce emotional tension and boost novelty. Coral, Perl, Amber, Peridot, Malachite, Aventurine, Agate, Tiger’s eye, Citrine, Quartz, Rhodonite, and other semiprecious stones are incorporated into my images that support emotional balance and promote imagination. Interactions of colors, textures, and optical illusions flex the thought process and bring imagination to the next level. Symmetry, composition, balance, levels of abstraction, density, and dynamic provoke shifts in perception as well as an openness to novelty. Every image activates brain regions responsible for creative thinking.
Mind Booster Art made of Semiprecious Stones
Each Mind Booster title explains the effect of the image on your mind. OZCREDO offers acrylic paintings, mix media art, and semiprecious atone art. The high quality canvas of preferred sizes will organically become a part of your interior design. This artwork will not only enliven any room and redefine your living style but also will help you gain confidence, improve self-determination, decrease your level of anxiety, and much more based on your individual needs. Please contact OZCREDO to order one-of-a-kind Mind Booster Art for your place!
Neuroscience meets fine art. Mind Booster Art is both fascinating and vital. As both a scientist and artist Dr. Olga Zbarskaya has brought a significant interdisciplinary viewpoint to the arts and sciences. The imagery is authentic and useful to society. Useful in that once a person views the work, they are captivated and brought immediately into the present moment. The mind booster art stimulates the viewer to communicate . The heart of what Dr. Olga is doing here is to wake up the mind that is asleep. Mind booster art is truly attempting a noble act of waking people up, their own creativity, their own greatness, their own innate wealth just waiting to be unleashed. The “how” is the science. The “why” is the art. By creating an environment to include such mind boosting art one can only marvel at the possibilities. Carolyn Goodridge, Executive Director Art Impact International, Inc.
Mind Booster Art is an embodiment of communication arts – with full ensemble of vital communication elements. Its mixed discipline approach to design, inform, and communicate with people enhances critical thinking. It seeks to convey to admirers of the colorful collection of paintings by the inimitable, cerebral, and creative arts scientist. On the wall of my office hangs Mind Booster Art and visitors to my office continue to interpret this work of art in different but illuminating ways. I look at the painting to get energy especially when I’m writing and thinking of the best word to convey meaning or thought. Uchenna Ekwo, Ph.D., CUNY Research Faculty, CMPI President.
Entering a dip and meaningful world of Mind Booster Art, one can be completely lost in a cosmic space and dream – like hypnotic work, in which all threads of thought intervene with allegories, threads of artistic characteristics, and fascinating twists of imagination. Dr. Olga Zbarskaya is artist of science and scientist in art… Grigory Gurevich, Arts on the Hudson President, Professor, artist.
Mind Booster Art is deeply rooted in the energy that flows beyond conscious understanding. With a simple stroke of the brush, it ignites passion, fire, thunder, and yet peace and tranquility. This art unites the mind and the soul, brings understanding of the essence of humanity, enveloping us in a blanket of serenity and safety, allowing us to venture outside of our comfort zone. Nellie Kreimer, RN, MSW, Healthcare Practitioner.